Exploring the History and Evolution of IPv4

Introduction to IPv4 and Its Origins

Internet Protocol version 4, more commonly known as IPv4, is the fourth iteration of the Internet Protocol and revolutionized data communication on the internet. IPv4 was first released in 1981 and has since become a global network standard. IPv4 is responsible for assigning a unique IP address to each device connected to a network, providing the foundations for data transfer, routing, and network functionality. It was created in response to the rapid expansion of the internet and the need for a standard form of communication across global networks. Later iterations of the protocol, such as IPv6, feature updates such as increased address space and improved security features. However, Internet Protocol version 4 remains the most widely used form of internet protocol worldwide.

Benefits of Using It

  • High Availability: IPv4 is incredibly dependable and widely used, making it easily accessible globally. It is well-supported by almost every type of device and internet service provider, providing users with a reliable and familiar way of accessing the internet. 
  • Low Cost: Internet Protocol version 4 is economically advantageous as most internet service providers have tools and methods to keep its deployment cost low. Additionally, many ISPs provide free access to IPv4, making it even more appealing. 
  • Ease of Use: IPv4 is user-friendly and simple to use, making it ideal for most individuals who want to swiftly and safely access the internet. Furthermore, its long-standing adoption means that most users are already familiar with its mechanics and layout.

How IPv4 Has Evolved Since Its Launch

Since its launch over four decades ago, IPv4 has seen considerable refinement and development. The original design of Internet Protocol version 4 was similar to the modern version in that it enabled managing millions of IP addresses. However, the range of this address pool was limited. As time passed, improvements such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Network Address Translation (NAT) were adopted, allowing for better address management and the redistribution of IP addresses. Furthermore, security for IPv4 has been refined, equipping it with the ability to protect internet users from attack or cybercrime. These changes have improved the overall experience of connecting to the internet and have made the Internet Protocol version 4 the global standard for online communication.

Looking toward the future of IPv4, the protocol adapts as more people and devices adopt it. IPv4 encryption protocol HTTPS is now standard practice, providing extra layers of protection. Additionally, many providers are offering options for IPv4-IPv6 transition services, which allow users to switch between the two protocols as needed. With the predictability of Internet Protocol version 4, along with these cutting-edge advances, we can create a secure, dependable, and optimized experience for users worldwide.

IPv4 vs IPv6 – Which One Is the Future?

In the world of internet protocol, there is much debate as to which of the two major versions – IPv4 and IPv6 – will be the format used moving forward. Internet Protocol version 4 has been the go-to protocol used since the internet’s inception and is responsible for a large portion of internet traffic today. However, IPv6 is the newer version and offers many additional features, such as the ability to easily cope with the internet’s growth and enhanced security measures. 

When evaluating the two protocols, it is clear that IPv6 is better suited to meet today’s internet demands. The pool of IPv4 addresses is slowly running out, and the transition to IPv6 is seemingly inevitable. With the ever-increasing internet user base and the increased need for better security and performance, IPv6 is the accepted protocol moving forward. It provides an easier way for companies and consumers to manage networking and share data and the added security that is becoming essential. Even though IPv4 will never become obsolete, IPv6 is the obvious choice for the future of the internet.


IPv4 has revolutionized communication on the internet ever since its inception. With its dependability, low cost, and ease of use, IPv4 has cemented itself as the most widely used protocol. However, as we continue to step into the digital future, IPv6 looks set to become the preferred choice due to its superior features and greater adaptability. With these two protocols at the helm, the end of the internet seems secure and well-equipped to handle ever-increasing demand.

Most popular DNS records – a brief introduction

Getting familiar with the Domain Name System (DNS) is not easy. But it is a must if you plan to have an online business. This brief introduction to the most popular DNS records can be one of your first steps into the DNS realm. Take it easy! Here we go.

What are DNS records?

Shortly, DNS records are text files with different information and instructions for DNS servers (name servers). Based on the DNS record, the information it will hold. It can be the IP address of a domain, аn instruction to manage DNS requests for that domain in a certain way, etc.

SRV record explained

Most popular DNS records

  1. Address or A /AAAA records

The two are address records. The difference between them is that A records work with IPv4 (32-bit address) and AAAA records with IPv6 (128-bit address). IPv6 is the latest version, and it is superior compared to IPv4, but still, both work. They have the same objective, to link a domain name with its corresponding IP address. They have a key role in the DNS resolution process that makes it possible for users to reach your website.

  1. Canonical name or CNAME record

The CNAME record points out that a hostname is the alias of another. It helps a lot to manage subdomains because by adding it, you don’t need individual records for every subdomain. A DNS request to a subdomain using a CNAME record will redirect the request to the canonical domain to obtain the proper answer.

  1. Nameserver or NS record

The NS record points out the DNS authoritative server for a specific domain. The authoritative server is the one that holds the original DNS records of the domain. You will need it, for instance, to inform other servers where they can request the associated IP address of your domain. It is not rare that a domain uses many NS records. This can be a sign that it has primary and secondary nameservers. NS record is, without a doubt, one of the most popular DNS records.

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Configuring is a delicate task. A single typo in the configuration of the NS record will cause users can’t load your domain.

  1. Pointer or PTR record

The PTR record points an IP address to a domain name. It is an essential record for communication between machines. Humans work much better remembering domain names, but machines’ communication language is numbers. Again, a small mistake configuring PTR records can cause e-mails you send to go directly to spam.

  1. Mail Exchange or MX record

The MX record holds the information to know the mail server that must receive the e-mails sent to a specific domain name, yours, for instance. An error in its configuration and you will not receive the e-mails people (potential clients) send to your domain.


These are the most popular DNS records but not the only ones. As you see, they are essential for different processes to happen. Small files with a big job!