GeoDNS: How to get started?

Introduction to GeoDNS: What it is, why it matters?

GeoDNS is a powerful tool for website owners and internet service providers that enables better web performance through geographical targeting. It works by redirecting user traffic to an appropriate server based on their location, which can improve website speed and reduce latency. In addition, by directing traffic to the nearest available server, GeoDNS can provide greater redundancy and reliability and the ability to move traffic to offload the load of busy regions quickly. All of these factors make GeoDNS an invaluable tool for managing user experience and controlling costs, making it an essential component for any website.

Typical DNS vs. Anycast vs. GeoDNS

Benefits of using it

• Improved Website Performance: Redirects users to the nearest available server, which can improve website speed and reduce latency. 

• Cost Savings: The ability to control user traffic and choose the best server for the task can result in significant cost savings.

• Increased Redundancy & Reliability: By directing traffic to different servers based on geographical location, GeoDNS can create redundancies that help the website remain available and running.

Load Balancing: By distributing user traffic to different servers, Geographical Domain Name System helps to reduce the load on busy regions and prevents any server from becoming overwhelmed. 

• Improved User Experience: GeoDNS can lead to a better overall user experience by maximizing website performance and reliability.

Which DNS records does GeoDNS use? 

GeoDNS uses a variety of DNS records to direct user traffic to the best server based on their geographical location. The most common records used are A, CNAME, and ALIAS, though other records such as TXT and SRV may be used depending on the application. A records are used to specify which IP address to assign to a particular domain. CNAME records are used to create aliases for a domain. Finally, ALIAS records can be used to create a link between different domain names. 

When using GeoDNS, it is essential to consider other DNS records such as NS, MX, and SPF. NS records are used to specify name servers for a domain. MX records are used for email routing, and SPF records are used to determine which IP addresses or domain names are allowed to send emails from that domain. Properly configuring these records is essential for running a secure and reliable website. Geographical Domain Name System can help to ensure that users are directed to the best server based on their geographical location while also helping to maintain website security and reliability.

Tips for choosing a GeoDNS provider

When choosing a GeoDNS provider, it is crucial to consider several factors. The first and most important is the availability of support. Geographical Domain Name System can be a complex system to configure and maintain, so choose a provider that can provide technical assistance when needed. Secondly, consider the pricing model of the provider. Different types of DNS can have extra costs, and picking the most cost-effective for your website is vital. Finally, consider the features of the provider. Does the provider have features such as automatic failover or GeoIP targeting? Finding a provider that offers the features you need to ensure the best performance for your website is crucial. 

GeoDNS can be a powerful tool for website owners, but choosing the right GeoDNS provider is essential. Consider the availability of support, the pricing model, and the features offered to find the best provider for your website. A good provider can make a difference in ensuring your GeoDNS setup is secure, reliable, and cost-effective.


GeoDNS is a powerful tool that can help website owners and internet service providers manage user traffic and improve the performance and reliability of their websites. By redirecting users to the closest server and balancing load across regions, GeoDNS can reduce latency and create redundancy. It can also help save on costs and improve the overall user experience. If you’re looking to improve the performance of your website, GeoDNS is worth considering. With the right provider and careful setup, you can take advantage of the many benefits GeoDNS offers.

DNS services explained in detail

DNS services are responsible for name resolution, routing emails, communication between IoT devices, CDN routing, and much more.

But what are they exactly? Let’s go into detail and explain the DNS services.

DNS (Domain Name System)

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a globally-distributed system for resolving domain names to IP addresses. It basically matches the hosts to their addresses and routes all the DNS queries.

Without it, it would be extremely hard to use the Internet. You would need to know all the IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) of the hosts you need to connect to.

DNS services explained

The DNS services are software that runs on DNS servers and allows you to manage your domain. You can purchase a plan for DNS services or use a Free DNS plan and manage your domain through it. Usually, the companies that offer such services will provide you with an easy-to-use interface for interacting with their service.

You can also rent servers and install DNS services on them, but it is more complicated.

DNS services allow you to fully manage your domain by adding and removing DNS records, adding and removing servers and zones, and more. Each DNS record type has its purpose: to point to a target, to announce a service, to route the traffic, etc.

You can have access to Primary and Secondary DNS servers. The Primary servers host the original DNS data, which you can modify on them. The Secondary just copy the data and serve to provide better and faster name resolution.

Not all DNS services are the same. Some DNS providers have a broad network of servers all around the world. That allows better DNS resolution, regardless of where the DNS queries are coming from.

Others focus on a particular region. For example, a DNS provider can concentrate on Asia, having more than 50% of their DNS servers there while almost neglecting the rest of the world. It could still be a good service if you are almost exclusively on the Asian market.

The DNS services strongly improve your uptime. Using a paid service, you will get access to multiple DNS servers. Even if one or two are down due to maintenance or cyber attack, you will still have more to answer the incoming queries.

When you check different providers, you will see many additional services. Let’s explain a few of them:

DDoS protection – Intelligent firewall that will protect you from DDoS attacks.

DNSSEC – additional features to encrypt the DNS queries and make them safer for your clients.

DDNS – Dynamic DNS for pointing your Dynamic IP address to a fixed name.

Load balancer – a method for managing the queries that improve network performance.

GeoDNS – load balancing based on the IP addresses of the visitors.

Reverse DNS – connects the IP address to a domain name and serves for verification.


DNS services help you host your DNS records and can provide better DNS resolution. You can also enjoy the benefit of multiple servers, additional and very useful features, and improved uptime.